Speaker: Roger Arocha

Committing to Our Values

Service details to come.

Please join us after the service for coffee and conversation. Doors are locked 10 minutes after the service begins for safety.

Join our Livestream and take part in live chats at 11:00 a.m. here. You must be logged in to … read more.

The Sacredness of Having Fun

Join us this Sunday as we start Summer by celebrating fun in all it’s forms, not just as a luxury but as a necessity for our well-being! Everyone in person and online on the chat feature can participate, if they wish, by sharing words about … read more.

Love As A Spiritual Practice

Love and inspiration are the highest human states. The course of human history has been shaped by these powers. When we feel these two emotions, when we dwell in the borderlands between the physical and the spiritual worlds, we hear the great voice of beyond … read more.