
We affirm the Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Covenant of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi. This Covenant of Positive Relations is a statement of how we, as a congregation, strive to support and work with each other to create a healthy and vital spiritual community. The goal of this document is to provide clear statements about how our Covenant, read aloud by the congregation every Sunday, comes to life through our actions. Ultimately, it is the way we treat each other that reveals who and what we are as a congregation and as Unitarian Universalists. We agree to abide by, and support each other in abiding by, this Covenant in both letter and spirit.

Love is the doctrine of this church. We . . .

Welcome and engage all with abundant kindness, inclusivity, and generosity
Express gratitude for the efforts of others
Assume goodwill and intentions of our congregational leaders
Speak words that promote positive relationships, even in times of conflict
Serve, in words and action, as an example for our children and youth, including them in the life of the congregation and being mindful of their physical and emotional safety

The quest of truth is its sacrament. We . . .

Honor one another’s quest for truth and meaning
Engage from a place of sincerity and strive to be our best selves
Address individual concerns only with the person involved and speak only for ourselves

Service is its prayer. We . . .

Do what needs to be done to create more justice and peace in our community and beyond
Are generous with our time, talent and treasure in the congregation and society
Follow through on our commitments

To dwell together in peace, we . . .

Recognize and accept that everyone is different
Celebrate our differences
Listen deeply with an open heart and mind
Accept responsibility for our individual actions and acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes
Address and resolve conflicts proactively and directly, using appropriate church and community resources
Accept responsibility to call others back into covenant respectfully when we observe a breach.
Reconcile after any breaks with the covenant, making amends, forgiving ourselves and others, and reconnecting
in the spirit of love

To seek knowledge in freedom, we . . .

Encourage one another in personal and spiritual exploration and support one another’s lifelong learning
Respect each other’s beliefs, acknowledging that each person has a unique path to spiritual knowledge
Appreciate each other for who we are, in all our individual identities
To serve human need to the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the divine.

Thus do we covenant with each other and with all we hold sacred.

*Adopted by the Congregation May 20, 2018