The Sacredness of Having Fun

Join us this Sunday as we start Summer by celebrating fun in all it’s forms, not just as a luxury but as a necessity for our well-being! Everyone in person and online on the chat feature can participate, if they wish, by sharing words about what brings them joy.

A member of U2C3, Roger Arocha plays for the U2C3 band, he is a certified business economist, singer-songwriter, and proud father of two.

Please join us after the service for coffee and conversation. Doors are locked 10 minutes after the service begins for safety.

Join our Livestream and take part in live chats at 11:00 a.m. here. You must be logged in to YouTube and subscribed to our channel to join the chat feature

Adult Religious Exploration: Join our Sunday morning adult discussion group at 10:10 a.m. in the Teal Room.

Sunday Offering the Easy Way: If you would like to make a Sunday plate offering from the convenience of your smartphone, download the free Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app. Use the code GEJBC4 when asked.