To keep our entire church community safe, the following precautions will be required:
- Masks required FOR ALL (ages 2 and up).
- Social distancing, including no shaking hands or hugging – elbow bumps permitted.
- Social time before and after church will be held in the sanctuary or outside to avoid crowding in the foyer.
Viewing From Home?
If you can’t be with us in person, join us on Zoom here starting at 10:30 am to chat with other congregants and friends before service begins. If you would like to call in (without video), dial this number: +1(346)248-7799 | Zoom Meeting ID: 149 396 484 | Zoom Password: 554165
Then at 11;00 am watch the service on our Livestream here.
How to Join the Livestream at 11:00 am on Sundays
How to Take Part in Livestream Chats at 11:00 am on Sundays