Join us as Tim Loya discusses how, given the freedom we have to search for our own truth and meaning with access to modern technology, it now falls on us to look more closely at our responsibility in searching for the same. In what has been dubbed the “post-truth” era, can we trust traditional sources of knowledge? Could we ever trust modern sources of knowledge? How exactly should we treat what we discover? And what if we do discover that what has been told to us was simply an effort to manipulate our thinking?
Tim Loya served as a US Marine from 1999 to 2005, experiencing both the peacetime and wartime military. He studied Political Science at Seattle Central College and Global Policy Studies at the LBJ School in Austin, where he focused on the role US Special Operations have on foreign governmental policy. He has authored such papers as “Why Coca-Cola is more likely to be responsible for World War III than Nuclear Proliferation”, and “BRICS and the Recolonization of Africa and its Impact on Global Stability.” He has contributed to reports to the US Special Operations Command, the US Army Futures Command, and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
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Topics: Responsibility, Skepticism, Trust, and Forgiveness, The Fourth Principle, Unitarian Universalism