Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

The Many Faces of God

There is more than one way of knowing and naming God or the divine. Let’s look at some differing ideas of the divine – from the familiar to the little known.  Human beings have many ways of relating to their concept of the divine. Let’s explore … read more.

The Shot that Echoes Still

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination marked a blow to the struggle for racial equality from which the U.S. has still not healed. In an essay published in 1972, writer James Baldwin reflected on attending the funeral, and how King’s death signaled the end of … read more.

Universalizing Faith

“Universalizing Faith” is the sixth and final stage of spiritual development, according to theologian James Fowler. Let’s examine the word “faith” in the context of Unitarian Universalism and our own spiritual development. What does this stage look like, and how do we get there?

New Year Burning Ritual

Join us for a ritual that helps us usher out the old year and bring our presence fully into the new one. This service will encourage you to reflect on the joys and sorrows, the changes and transitions and the ups and downs of the … read more.

Blue Christmas

Loved ones missing from the table, pressure to live up to expectations, the continuing pandemic, and a host of other stressors may be leaving us lacking in “holiday cheer” this year. Let’s recognize and embrace the sadder side of the season and learn that we … read more.

An Attitude of Gratitude

As we ramp up for Turkey Day, let’s study the reason for the season: gratitude. Research shows an attitude of gratitude promotes physical and psychological health. Join us to try some hands-on gratitude exercises and activities. We will also explore the connection between gratitude and … read more.

Gandhi and Ahimsa

One of the most famous leaders of a non-violent movement was Mohandas K. Gandhi, who opposed British imperial rule in India during the 20th century. Gandhi took the religious principle of ahimsa (doing no harm) common to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism and turned it into … read more.