What would it be like when two people engage with each other in an expanded state of presence which includes receptivity, respect, compassion, and a spirit of exploration? New insights and breakthroughs may emerge for long-standing problems. Come and experience Don and Diane’s way of teaching as an example of this way of connection and discovery.
Don Weiner is a retired Ph.D. psychologist. He is a senior teacher (murshid) in the Inner School of the Inayatiyya ( a Sufi Order). He has written GPS for the Spiritual Journey and Upgrading the Operating System of the Soul: A Manual of Quantum Sufism. He and his wife Diane Weiner have written The Gabrielite Work – Broadband Spirituality for the 21 st Century, Awakening as a Human*Divine Being, and Beyond the Wonderful: Transforming the World with the Light of Your Being. Don and Diane have developed a synthesis of their work together over the years called the Gabrielite Work, which offers advanced spiritual methodology integrating contemporary scientific discoveries with the wisdom of ancient Sufi traditions. They have many YouTube videos on their YouTube channel – drdonwcc – of classes they have given.
Diane Weiner is a retired public-school counselor. She enjoys an active artistic life, creating in the mixed media field. Most of her teaching has introduced church populations to the teachings and practices of the Inayatiyya, in which she has been recognized as a Murshida (senior teacher). She has enjoyed teaching and co-writing with Don, and co-creating the Gabrielite Work, which challenges spiritual aspirants to express their unique talents and abilities on their paths of realization.
Topics: Connections