Sufism – Awakening in Life: Beyond Returning.

Sufism – Awakening in Life: Beyond Returning. Religion and spirituality have focused on the return journey of the soul back to the source, but the nature of existence is evolutionary. Sufism is a wisdom school which honors the uniqueness of each human being and aims at fostering awakening of divinity in life. It embraces teachings of all of the masters, saints, and prophets, as well as discoveries of science, and welcomes followers of all beliefs. 

Don Weiner is a retired Ph.D. psychologist and a senior teacher in the Inayati Order.  He has been teaching meditation to a variety of populations for over 50 years. He has written GPS for the Spiritual Journey and Upgrading the Operating System of the Soul: A Manual of Quantum Sufism.  He and his wife Diane have written The Gabrielite Work – Broadband Spirituality for the 21st CenturyAwakening as a Human*Divine Being, and Beyond the Wonderful- Transforming the World with the Light of Your Being. They have developed a synthesis of their work together over the years called the Gabrielite Work, which offers advanced spiritual methodology integrating contemporary scientific discoveries with the wisdom of ancient and contemporary Sufi traditions.

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