Service and sacrifice. Our labor is both. Becky Moeller, who worked her way up from communication worker to Labor Union leader, will talk to us about the spiritual principles that link the sweat on our brows to how we serve others and make sacrifices that benefit not only our families but the whole community of which we are a part.
Becky Moeller, head of the 235,000-member Texas AFL-CIO labor federation since 2007, became the first female statewide elected official in the group in 2003 by becoming its secretary-treasurer, according to biographical information posted by the group. She announced in 2014 plans to step down in July 2015. Before coming to the Texas AFL-CIO, Moeller was president of the Communications Workers of America Local 6137, the Corpus Christi local representing workers at SBC (now AT&T), the entry says.
Topics: Labor Workers