For the first week of December, we have been observing Chalica: an emerging holiday where, each day, we’re invited to live more deeply into our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles through ordinary, simple acts. These principles articulate the core ethics of our liberal religious tradition. What happens when we put our values in action?
*follow the links below to view a short video about each day, these will include readings, a story for all ages, music, and activities.
Chalica – Day One (Monday)
Chalica – Day One: We covenant to affirm and promote… The inherent worth and dignity of every person. *Youth version: Each person is important
- Story for all-ages: All the Colors of the Earth by Sheila Hamanaka
- Mindfulness and Action
You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider giving a gift that honors a person in your life.
• Are there people I don’t understand, and what can I do to bridge the divide between us?
• Are there people with whom I have disagreements, and can I work to find a common path for us to walk together?
• Is there someone I have disrespected to whom I can make amends? Someone who has helped me that deserves thanks or appreciation?
• Is there someone who could benefit from my affirmation?
For the Kids: Everyone is Important
• Write a note thanking someone for being who they are.
• Tell someone you love them.
• Call a relative or friend you haven’t talk to in a while and say hello.
Chalica – Day Two (Tuesday)
Chalica – Day Two: We covenant to affirm and promote…Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. *Youth version: Be kind in all you do
- Story for all-ages: Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge
- Mindfulness and Action
On this second day of Chalica, we affirm and promote justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider offering a gift to honor those in our local community who need justice.
• Is there a local justice-seeking organization to which I can offer time or talents?
• How does my silence perpetuate injustice? Can I speak up in ways that help others know I care?
• Are there people near me to whom a simple kindness would make a world of difference?
• How can I learn or participate in ways that promote justice and equity in my community?
For the Kids: Be Kind in All You Do
• Plan a Random Act of Kindness (visit for some ideas).
• Go through your closet looking for toys or clothes to donate to a worthy organization.
• Go through the cupboard and find some canned goods to donate to Loaves and Fishes.
• Bake some cookies for your teacher or a neighbor
Chalica – Day Three (Wednesday)
Chalica – Day Three: We covenant to affirm and promote…Accepting one another and encouraging spiritual growth. *Youth Version: We are free to learn together
- SFAA: Frederick by Leo Lionni
- Mindfulness and Action
On this third day of Chalica, we affirm and promote acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. What gift could you offer a fellow Unitarian Universalist on their spiritual journey? How could you give yourself the gift of a new spiritual practice or deepen an existing one?
• Look through a UU hymnal or book of reflections. How does this exercise help you better appreciate the different points of view in our movement?
• Are there words of peace or forgiveness I can extend to a fellow Unitarian Universalist?
• What is one significant learning from your spiritual journey of this past year?
• What is one spiritual practice, e.g. meditation, journaling, mindful eating or walking, serving others, that you could try or deepen in the next month?
For the Kids: We are Free to Learn Together
• Research a famous UU on the internet and share what you learn with your family.
Chalica – Day Four (Thursday)
Chalica – Day Four: We covenant to affirm and promote…A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. *Youth Version: Search for what is true
- SFAA: Dr. Seuss – Oh the Thinks you can Think
- Mindfulness and Action
On this fourth day of Chalica, we affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider giving a gift that honors another tradition or promotes learning and education.
• Can I take time to learn about, or participate in an event that celebrates another religion or tradition?
• What do I know or love that I can teach others?
• What knowledge or talent have I wanted to learn and what is stopping me from doing so?
• Can I give the gift of literacy to someone through volunteering? Can I donate a book or media resource to my local public library?
For the Kids: We Search for What is True
• Have a scavenger hunt for things in your house that show people who visit that you are Unitarian Universalists.
• Read a book about a different religion or culture.
• Go through your bookshelf and pick out some books that you might share with someone you know.
Chalica – Day Five (Friday)
Chalica – Day Five: We covenant to affirm and promote… The right of conscience and use of the democratic process *Youth version: All people need a voice.
- SFAA: Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio
- Mindfulness and Action
On this fifth day of Chalica, we affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider giving a gift that honors democracy.
• What can I do to be of public service, or help those willing to serve in office?
• Can I write a letter to an elected official on a matter of importance?
• How can I help a committee in my congregation?
• Could I host a Zoom dinner or gathering to discuss an important issue, or perhaps lead a class to study a significant ethical issue?
For the Kids: Give Everyone a Voice
• Have a family “check-in” where everyone shares one good thing and one not-so-good thing that happened today.
• Use a family vote to solve a problem or make a decision.
• Find out who your elected officials are – the mayor of your city, the school board president, your state representative, your U.S. representative, and senator.
• Think about something in the world you would like to change and write a letter to one of your elected officials about it.
Chalica – Day Six (Saturday)
Chalica – Day Six: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. Youth version: Build a fair and peaceful world
- SFAA: The Knight and the Dragon by Tomie dePoala
- Mindfulness and Action
On this sixth day of Chalica, we affirm and promote the goal of world community, with peace, liberty, and justice for all. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider giving a gift that honors the global community.
• Can I find a way to volunteer with, or donate to an organization that has global influence, such as UNICEF, or Doctors Without Borders?
• Can I write a letter for Amnesty International?
For the Kids: Build a Fair and Peaceful World
• Practice meditating for 10 minutes. Breathe in Peace… Breathe out Love!
• Fold a Peace Crane and put it on your Christmas Tree to remind you to build a peaceful world.
• Learn about the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals and talk with your family about what you can do to support them. • Watch the two minute animated video “I Will Be a Hummingbird” narrated by Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai and talk with your family about what you can do to make the world a better and more peaceful place.
Chalica – Day Seven (Sunday)
Chalica – Day Seven: We covenant to affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. *Youth version: We take care of the earth
- SFAA: Over the Meadow by John Langstaff , sung by Emily Boedeker
- Mindfulness and Action
On this seventh day of Chalica, we affirm and promote the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. You’re invited to select one of the questions or suggestions below for conversation with others or personal reflection. Suggestions for activities with children are included. Consider offering a gift that honors planet Earth and its creatures.
• What sustainable practices do I engage in? What is one practice that I could add in the next month?
• How could I increase my awareness of being part of “the interdependent web of all existence?”
• How can I help plan and conduct an outdoor worship service in my congregation, weather permitting?
For the Kids: We Take Care of Planet Earth
• Take a family walk outside and admire the beauty of the earth.
• Make a recycle bin for your bedroom or home office if you don’t already have one.
• Take an energy walk through your house and brainstorm ways you might be able to save energy.