W.A.A.G.S. Mission: Bringing together working-age adults to build relationships and serve the community. 

W.A.A.G.S. meets on the second Sunday monthly at 12:15 p.m. All are welcome and are encouraged to join. We look forward to seeing you there!

Scan the QR code with your phone’s camera and follow the link to join our WhatsApp!

W.A.A.G.S. Covenant:

  • Prioritize young adult voices.
  • Infuse spiritual fulfillment into all activities.
  • Emphasize enjoyment; if an activity loses its fun, we can alter or conclude it.
  • Commit to open communication and follow through on commitments whenever possible.
  • Prioritize consensus in decision-making.
  • Respect each other’s time.

This group provides a welcoming, open, and affirming space for everyone. It’s a time for reflection, sharing, and building friendships, community, and connections. We’re not just involved in church life but also active in the community, participating in events such as gardening days, discussions, luncheons, movie nights, holiday gatherings, social outreach activities, game nights, and leading an annual Sunday morning worship service.

To learn more about this ministry, please reach out via email at administrator@uucorpus.org. You can also join our WhatsApp group; send us an email to get connected and share your ideas for activities or projects; your voice matters! W.A.A.G.S. at U2C3 meets on the second Sunday of every month.

Young Adult Communities in the UU World

We encourage you to continue building relationships and feeding your spirit, both at U2C3 and in some of these online communities:

  • UBarU: Ren Pasco, a UU chaplain and camp alumnus, is facilitating a new e-offering from UBarU for young adults (ages 18–35) on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Register here.
  • Young Adult Revival Network trains and develops YA leaders and promotes connections between congregations all over North America through events like online YA cons, monthly worship, monthly leaders calls, the UUYA Queer Network, and more.
  • “The Sweet Potato” is a bi-monthly email roundup of online UU young adult ministries, media, and more. Subscribe here.
  • Gathered Here is a regular online check-in for Canadian Unitarian Universalist young adults, but folks from the USA are welcome, too!
  • The Sanctuary Boston is a progressive spiritual community dedicated to vibrant worship and genuine connection. Our worship services, led by our Sanctuary Boston band, feature music in various styles; most gatherings include a brief message shared by a community member and time for ritual and reflection.
  • UU Young Adults Discord server 
  • UU Young Adult Connections Facebook Group

For more information about young adults in Unitarian Universalism, click here.