To keep our entire church community safe, the following precautions will be required:
- Masks required FOR ALL (ages 2 and up).
- To ensure everyone’s safety, all children and youth present at church on Sundays will be required to attend service in the Sanctuary and be seated with their families. Busy packets are available.
- Social distancing; elbow bumps instead of handshakes and hugging by consent only. (See article below)
- There is no food/drink service after church, although individuals are welcome to bring water bottles and covered drink containers for personal use.
- Social time before and after church will be held in the sanctuary or outside to avoid crowding in the foyer.

Hugging: It’s All About Consent
New Way to Help Everyone Feel Safe
Since reopening we’ve realized that hugging is important to many, while others prefer no human touching due to COVID-19 safety concerns. To allow for the best of both worlds, we’ve got a new system. Everyone will be offered a colored dot, either green, yellow or red, to be added to their nametag. Just like a traffic light, green means that the wearer is receptive to hugs. Yellow means that you should ask before hugging the wearer. Red means that you should not hug or touch that person. Come to church on Sunday and choose your color!
Sunday Morning for Children and Youth
In-person religious exploration for children and youth will not be offered through July and August. To ensure everyone’s safety, all children and youth present at church on Sundays will be required to attend service in the Sanctuary and be seated with their families. Kits containing quiet activities will be available for younger children who would like to keep busy during the service. Online Religious Exploration for elementary children and middle/high school youth will continue through August.