Speaker: Kirk Newport

The Lure of Vengeance with Kirk Newport

About the service:
Vengeance, revenge, retribution, payback, “eye for an eye”: These are just some of the terms that we use to describe a very special type of “justice.” We know it when we see it. Vengeance is a common, if not popular, theme in literature, … read more.

Ethical Case Studies for UUs

Do the “right thing,” right?  How hard can that be?  Do we even need to talk about it?  Actually, yes.  It’s a tough world out there.  Come hear how tough it really is and how we might use our values to be prepared for just … read more.

Christmas in the Age of Anxiety

Kirk Newport was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but raised in California. After college at San Francisco State University, he served 3 years in the United States Army, followed by careers in hospital clinical laboratories and teaching clinical lab science at Del Mar College. He … read more.

The Mysterious Journey of Alfred Russel Wallace

2023 marks the bicentennial of the birth of England’s second-most famous naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace. A younger contemporary of Charles Darwin, Wallace traveled to even more extreme, far-flung locales, made copious notes of his observations, and independently proposed the theory of biological evolution. So, it … read more.

Is Pastafarianism a Religion?

Pastafarianism, also known as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a relatively recent “faux” religion that appears to mock many of the traditional characteristics of established religions.  But is it actually a “real” religion after all?  Is it a cult?  Is it a … read more.

Are You Talking to Me?

One of the great ironies of our times has to be the inverse relationship between our technical abilities to communicate with each other and our ability to communicate in any kind of meaningful, effective, or thoughtful manner.   How can we use our UU principles to … read more.

The Unusualness of the Usual

The title comes from an essay about the great 20th-century Russian novel “Doctor Zhivago.”  More specifically, it relates to the challenges placed on individual spirituality against the forces of political ideology and religious culture. 

The Two I’s of Buddhism

There are some important numbers to remember within the Buddhist traditions. For example, there are Four Noble Truths, an Eight-Fold Pathway, Three Poisons, and Three Jewels.  But there’s an additional number that can be useful to understand Buddhist beliefs. Here’s a hint. . . it’s in … read more.

A Religious Odyssey on … Netflix?

Mon Dieu!  The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unintended viewing of multiple documentaries, each centered around a different religious tradition.  What lessons can these stories bring to Unitarian Universalists?  Come in person or tune in on the Livestream to find out.

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