About the service:
Vengeance, revenge, retribution, payback, “eye for an eye”: These are just some of the terms that we use to describe a very special type of “justice.” We know it when we see it. Vengeance is a common, if not popular, theme in literature, film, TV and current events. It makes us feel so good about the moral structure of the universe. But is it justice? And how do our liberal values help us to know the difference?
About our speaker:
Kirk Newport was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but raised in California. After college at San Francisco State University, he served 3 years in the United States Army, followed by careers in hospital clinical laboratories and teaching clinical lab science at Del Mar College. He has been a member of U2C3 since 1996. During that time he has been a 2 time Board member, choir member and longtime church grounds worker. He is an amateur cellist and enjoys most outdoor activities. Kirk has one daughter, three step-sons and multiple grandchildren. Originally raised within the Methodist Church, Kirk is a Buddhist.
About the photo:
Standing stone in Highlands, Scotland, United Kingdom. Legend claims the Stone of Vengeance (Clach a’ Charra) commemorates the supposed killing of John Comyn’s two sons, in a settlement of accounts.
Alta Falisa, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Humanist Group:
Join the Humanist Group this Sunday after service for a thought-provoking discussion led by D’jango Sanders on the Humanist view of vengeance, building on this week’s message.
Please join us after the service for coffee and conversation.
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Adult Religious Exploration: Join our Sunday morning adult discussion group at 10:10 a.m. in the Teal Room.
Sunday Offering the Easy Way: If you would like to make a Sunday plate offering from the convenience of your smartphone, download the free Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app. Use the code GEJBC4 when asked.
Topics: Justice