Maybe there is a part of you that wants to come to church and a part of you that wants to stay home. Maybe there is a part of you that wants to flee the country and a part of you that wants to firmly plant yourself in resistance. Maybe there is a part of you who is skeptical of everything and a part of you that has experienced something truly mystical in nature. I certainly have all of these parts. How do we come to balance the tension between our polarized parts? How do we navigate respecting all the parts of ourselves to take our next right step? Join me as I explore restorative leadership through the lens of multiplicity of self, an indigenous concept that has been pathologized by much of academia and demonized by the culture of the Christian church.

Rev. Tamara Lebak is an ordained Unitarian Universalist community minister, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant, chaplain, coach, mother, wife, author, singer-songwriter, and worship leader. Tamara has served at First Unitarian Shaker Heights and West Shore Unitarian Universalist in Cleveland, OH. She also served nearly 10 years at All Souls in Tulsa, OK. Tamara is currently working on her Doctorate at Phillips Theological Seminary. She has served as an intern chaplain at Stateville Maximum Security Men’s Prison, Dick Conner Correctional Facility, the University of Chicago Hospitals and is currently the Resident Chaplain of the Terence Crutcher Foundation. Tamara is the founder and Chief Unlearning Officer of the Restorative Justice Institute of Oklahoma which seeks to transform the retributive and inequitable culture of Oklahoma through a trauma-informed, developmental, and systemic approach to training, consulting and advocacy.
Topics: Restoring Ourselves