About the Service:
Approximately two-thirds of US households have at least one dog or cat. Human beings regularly interact with other animal species. How do our church’s covenant and the principles of Unitarian Universalism apply to our relations with other species? What are some of the human laws governing how we relate with other members of the animal kingdom? What does Texas law say about protecting animals? What is a service animal, and how is that different from an emotional support animal? Can you really leave your estate to your cat in your will? Who gets Tabby Wynette and Virginia Woof in a divorce? These and other topics will be addressed in this presentation.
About our speaker:
Vaughn Westheimer is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi. He is a mostly – but not completely – retired attorney, as well as a poet and short story writer. Vaughn and his wife, Amelia, are “parents” to four, or maybe five, cats.
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