Join us to watch the UUA General Assembly’s Sunday service. Christy Stockman will be introducing the video clips. The service will be lead by Rev. Molly Housh Gordon of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Colombia, MO.
A lifelong Unitarian Universalist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon is the minister of the UU Church of Columbia, Missouri, where she is currently suing the state of Missouri for their unconstitutional abortion ban alongside 13 other multi-faith clergy co-plaintiffs. Molly is passionate about red-state UU ministry, community organizing, and mutual aid. In addition to her ministry and organizing work, Molly is a published essayist and poet completing a Doctor of Ministry in Creative Writing and Public Theology. Alongside her wonderful spouse, she is the delighted parent of two very fierce young children and one very chill old dog.
Please join us after the service for coffee and conversation. Doors are locked 10 minutes after the service begins for safety.
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Adult Religious Exploration: Join our Sunday morning adult discussion group at 10:10 a.m. in the Teal Room.
Sunday Offering the Easy Way: If you would like to make a Sunday plate offering from the convenience of your smartphone, download the free Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app. Use the code GEJBC4 when asked.
Topics: General Assembly