Debbie Newport

Debbie Newport
(February 20, 1955 – June 16, 2021)
It is with heavy hearts that we share with you the passing of our beloved and longtime church member, Debbie Newport, on June 16. A memorial service will be held at our church on Saturday, July 10, at 4:00 pm. All are welcome. Condolences may be sent to her husband Kirk. Please email if you would like his contact information. View the recorded service here.

Give to the Crape Myrtle Fund in Memory of Debbie Newport
U2C3 is presently accepting donations in memory of beloved church member Debbie Newport, who passed away in June. Funds raised will be used to plant pink crape myrtles on the church grounds. If you would like to make a contribution please mail a check payable to UU Church of Corpus Christi with “Debbie Newport” in the reference line. Address: 6901 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78414. You may also contribute to this fund online here